Outfit Of The Day (4th June) – Featuring my new hat!

June 5, 2013 § 2 Comments


Hi everyone! I hope your week is going well. Unfortunately I had to skip Manicure Monday because I trapped my fingers between the top of a short wall and the handlebars of my bike earlier last week and my nail beds are bruised and grazed and sore 😦 Not a good omen for that new hobby but we’re not going to let that stop us!

I know a lot of people do OOTDs every day, but firstly I’m not nearly organised enough to upload what I’m wearing the day I’m wearing it and secondly since I’m currently jobless and don’t go to uni, I spend most days lying face down on my bed in trackies and an old tshirt. So I hope you don’t mind just the occasional post when I actually put on nice things and hearing about it the day after! « Read the rest of this entry »

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